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Well and good if business results we rely on the integrity of enquirers to be employed by them or their associates in some capacity later. Such advice/assistance is not confined just to sea freight estimates but can be extended to in-depth investigations and comprehensive reports on every aspect (logistical-environment etc.) of potential major cargo movements. In our experience recently we have become aware of instances of undesired consequences from failure to take competent shipping advice at the outset of new projects. On the other hand we count among our most valued longstanding Clients major Irish and Multinational Companies who sought our timely advice.


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In this capacity we are not confined to locality. Our long wide ranging experience is at the disposal of Owners or Charterers (Shippers or F.O.B. Buyers) either here at home or worldwide. The term "Consultants has recently become fashionable and often implies the obligation on those seeking advice to pay very significant Consultancy Fees come what may. It is an old tradition in shipping, which we still respect, that any genuine enquiry concerning the movement of cargo (import/or export) by sea is serviced free of charge.


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TEL +353 61 315 315


ADDRESS The Shipping Office, Dock Road, Limerick, V94 FF97, Ireland

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