Mullock & Sons
Shipbrokers Ltd.

The Shipping Office,
Dock Road,
V94 FF97
Herriott House,
The Harbor,
Co Limerick,
V94 DF29
To Enquire about any of our services please call
+353 61 315315
or fill out the following box and we will contact you as soon as possible:
To get directly to the service you require:
For all enquiries concerning new business and Shipbrokering
Managing Director: John R Dundon.
T: 00353 61 315 315
M: 00353 87 251 1477
For all enquires for Vessel Agency, Project Cargoes & Marine Surveying
Operations Manager: Ciaran Cunningham
T: 0353 61 315 315
M: 00353 87 653 5931
For all enquiries of for Warehousing & Stevedoring
Warehousing & Stevedoring Manager : Jerry Donovan
T: 00353 69 65544
M: 00353 87 273 0573
For all Vessel Agency and Port Operations
Ship Agency & Port Operations Coordinator: Sinead Ryan
T: 00353 69 65544
M: 00353 254 3264
For all Accounting including PFDA's
Finincial Controler: Des O Connor
T: 00353 61 315 315
For All Office Administration
Office Manager: Mary Kelly
T: 00353 61 315315