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Life Saving Rules form part of our commitment to create a safe working environment for all our staff, visitors & contractors. They are taken from experience of the industry and are tailored to meet our job related requirements, They will help us strengthen the Safety Culture throughout the organization,

They are the foundations for zero accidents and their use in a fair and consistent manner is the standard we expect from everyone that work’s in or visits our facility.


As an employee, visitor, or contractor, you are responsible and authorized to stop unsafe acts that do not comply with these rules or other procedures. We are committed to creating a safe working environment wherever we work so remember to always report incidents to help us improve and always look out for colleagues and visitors that may be unfamiliar with our rules.


~ Use PPE as mandated by Risk Assessment, site rules, or as appropriate.

~ Ensure that all PPE is suitable for the task, is in good condition, serviced as required and in date.

~ If the requirement for PPE is altered based on the risk assessment, this must be documented and justified.

~ No contractor or visitor will work with PPE of a lower standard than required of staff members.

~ PFDs must be suitable for the size and weight of the individual, be self-righting and correctly fitted with crotch straps. Used as directed and where the risk assessment has highlighted.


~ Smoking is not permitted in any enclosed area, office or warehouse,

~ Smoking is not permitted in designated PPE areas, i.e. the jetty’s or working yards / warehouses..


~ Ensure that the lifting equipment and lifting accessories are certified and within current inspection dates.

~ The lifting equipment and accessories used are the most suitable for the task.

~ Mobile lifting equipment must only be used on firm level ground and must be of a suitable capacity for the load.

~ Ensure that all safety systems, overloads and alarms are tested prior to the lift.

~All operators of lifting equipment must be suitably qualified to operate the equipment.

~ All contractors intending to perform lifting operations must have qualifications validated prior to the operations taking place. 

~ A Safe lift plan must be produced for all non-standard lifts and identify all hazards.

~ All lifts performed by external contractors must be supported by a Safe Lifting Plan, Safe System of Work method statement and risk assessment.

~ Ensure lift area is suitably cordoned off.

~ No Personnel are to climb on lift.

~ Ensure all personnel involved in the lift are suitably trained and an agreed signaling and communication plan is in place.


~ All working at height is a task requiring a permit.

~ The most appropriate means of access is to be used.

~ Fall restraints must be used if the potential for a fall is identified in the risk assessment. A safe anchor point must be used at all times.

~ All access equipment and fall restraints must be inspected prior to use.

~ All tools and loose objects are to be secured.

~ Below area cordoned off to unauthorized traffic.

~ Ladders may be approved for use as the most suitable means of carrying out the work, but they must be of suitable quality and the duration of work must be short.

~ A rescue plan must be in place, if there is a risk of a person not being able to be removed if incapacitated.


~ All staff are to be aware of what consists of a safe / unsafe atmosphere.

~ Entry into confined spaces is a permitted task.

~ Gas monitors are provided, Please use them.

~ Warehouses used to store organic products are considered an unsafe atmosphere.


~ No member of staff is to report to work whilst over the legal or client imposed drink limits, this may be interpreted as zero tolerance.

~ All staff are to intervene and report any instances where they believe an employee, contractor or visitor may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

~ No alcohol is to be stored or consumed on site unless approved by management.

~ All staff that may have the requirement to take prescription drugs must notify their supervisor if it may affect their ability to operate machinery or drive.

~ No drugs or painkillers may be given to staff by any other member of staff.


~ Ensure valid work permit is in place when required by procedures.

~ All tasks require a written risk assessment.

~ Daily routines and planned tasks require a written method statement.

~ The task is to be clearly defined, communicated, and appropriate authorization obtained if required.

~ The task is supervised by a competent person.

~ Unplanned changes to the task require a stop work and review of controls.

~ Inspection of work areas to ensure all controls are in place must be carried out and to assess the impact on other work.

~ All incidents are to be reported.

~ No employee, contractor or visitor is allowed to override any safety system designed for protection.


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ADDRESS The Shipping Office, Dock Road, Limerick, V94 FF97, Ireland

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© 2021 by Mullock & Sons (Shipbrokers) Ltd 


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